Here are the results of the survey (questionnaire):

1) What must happen that you would demonstrate in the streets for you conviction/opinion?

Most of the people answered that they would demonstrate if someone or something becomes unbearable. This can be against the take over of the right-wing extremism in Austria, discrimination, corruption, torture, oppression or any social injustice. Many feel concerned about inequality too, especially between the gender and the different races and provenances. But no one ever demonstrated, except one, against ACTA.

Many are admiring marchers, and are fascinated by their determination. But there are some who are feeling annoyed by them too.

2) When/At which point do you feel deprived of your freedom?

Most of the people feel deprived of their freedom, if they are told what to think, how to feel and how to act.

→ Have you ever experienced that? How?

Most people have never experienced that feeling

3) What means school to you? What do you experience at school?

Most of the people think that school is very important. They say that it is preparing us for our future life. Some people say  that some subjects are useless but it is important to have a basic knowledge because you do not know what will bring the future. Many pupils of our class think that school is important too to socialize and to make friends.

 4) Where do you experience (a sense of) community (outside school)?

Most of the people experience community while making sports (tennis, volleyball, handball,…) or at the music school but also in their family and with their friends. The religious community is also mentioned.

5) Culture – What does it mean for you?

Some people think that culture is the mixture of music, arts and other things which stand for a country, other people think that culture is a way to express themselves or that culture is everywhere.

6) ARTS – what does it mean and what do you like most?

For everyone Art has do to do something with literature, painting and music. Most of the people prefer music.

→ In what forms do you encounter art?

Many people think that they encounter art everywhere. Others are more specific and think that they encounter it in books, museums, cinemas …

→ What do you think you “earn”/ learn through the arts?

Everyone has another opinion about what you earn from arts, but the opinion which is shared by most of them, is that you can see different things.

→ When did you read/ hear about or see/ visit an exhibition, performance or something similar the last time?

The answers are going from last week to last year.

7) THEATER – what do you think about and/or what are your experiences with/ at theater?

Theater is seen as a mirror of society and should call attention to a special theme, is the opinion of some people. Others think that it should entertain us. Almost everyone made positive experience with theater. Actually the modern theater is preferred. Some people also made experience with theater by acting themselves in a theater class.

8) Crisis: What does it mean to you? Where/How can you see, feel, hear it?

Most of the pupils answered that crisis is a hopeless situation, that we are quite unable to face. It can come up in daily life, like in school or in the family, or it can be a national or international problem. They say that they feel it when there is panic in the air or when this crisis can even be felt in their private life (in their family), especially when this crisis is a financial and economic problem.

Auswertung und Text: Yasmin Medkour, Nora Straberger, Florentin Pollak

Konzept Visualisierung der Auswertung: Hanna Preclik, Julia Szinovatz

Fotos: Hadrien Leroy

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